This exhibition of work by the Floyd Quilt Guild in the Falcon and Breezeway Galleries is titled “Facing Challenges - Difficult Roads Can Lead to Beautiful Destinations.” It features work by 15 members of the group, with a total of 29 pieces on display.
"When Floyd Center for the Arts asked the Floyd Quilt Guild to be featured artists for exhibits in the Breezeway and Falcon galleries, we considered this an opportunity to show the challenge quilts that many of us made for our cancelled 2020 Quilt Show. Our challenge that year was to create quilts that used only one patch (shape) for at least 50% of the quilt.

Of course, 2020 presented much greater challenges. So, we expanded our theme to include any quilt that we made that helped us meet challenges, not only during 2020 but throughout our lives. Thus, through the theme, “Facing Challenges—Difficult Roads Can Lead to Beautiful Destinations,” we hope to show the many ways that the art of quilting has helped us face our challenges and enrich our lives."
- Floyd Quilt Guild

Learn More About the Floyd Quilt Guild
Floyd Quilt Guild is a non-profit organization that grew from the Old Church Gallery Quilters Guild. We are a diverse patchwork of unique and talented members from novice to expert in a variety of quilting disciplines. Our members are friendly and helpful, willing to demonstrate, share a technique, or just enjoy learning something new.
The Guild meets most first and third Mondays here at Floyd Center for the Arts. Programs address the many aspects and techniques of quilting and other fiber arts. Members have an opportunity to share their current projects and join together in sewing days to create “care quilts” to share with the community. For more information about Floyd Quild Guild visit our website: www.floydquiltguild.com