What do you think of when you hear the word, FARM? In the heart of Appalachia, farming has always been an integral part of life. As part of our daily lives, the beauty of the practice and lifestyle has not gone overlooked. Here in Floyd County, we are blessed to be surrounded by farms, rolling hills and open land, and a rural life. The Floyd Center for the Arts, with its roots as a former dairy barn, wishes to honor our rural life with an exhibition of works in the Hayloft Gallery and on our campus. This exhibition will take place from August 12, 2023, to September 30, 2023.
We need you, our rural community, to help us fill our gallery with works inspired by FARM, with all the meanings that word can encompass.
The following are jumping off ideas for inspiration; we welcome your ideas as well!
Picturesque views of barns, out buildings, fences, open land, and where we nourish nature
People wise to changing seasons and living within them
Determination, devotion, family, hard work
Life governed by weather, land, and the plants and animals that live in that space
The form, use, and repair of machinery and tools
Growing and harvesting produce, companion planting, hay, care of animals, creativity and strength
Common farm materials: barbed wire, barn work, metal roofing, tools, hay bales, farm equipment, etc.
Music on the front porch, family gatherings, shared experiences, harvest season
Arts utilized in living: basketry, pottery, weavings, quilts, blacksmithing, wood, instruments
We hope this list will inspire you and that you will help us fill our gallery and the surrounding campus with expressions of what FARM is, has been, and will be. 2-D and 3-D works from all ages will be accepted, depending upon space. This exhibition is free to apply for. Winners of this exhibition will be determined solely by community voting.