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Aug 15-20: Floyd Plein Air Biennial

The Floyd Center for the Arts is pleased to announce the return of the Floyd Plein Air Biennial, the week-long outdoor painting festival, to take place at sites in and around beautiful Floyd County on August 15-20, 2022. This will be the third time the Center has invited and hosted a field of regional and national artists as part of this Biennial Event, which also occurred in 2017 and 2019. Having taken a year off due to the pandemic, the Center is excited to bring artists back to paint. Artists will enjoy painting the Blue Ridge Parkway, the famed Buffalo Mountain, unique sites along the beautiful Little River, local farms and vistas, as well as the Town of Floyd. Events include artist demos, an Artist/Patron Night including Wet Paint Sale, Quick Draw Contest at the Historic Floyd Country Store & Friday Night Jamboree, art sale and reception! Abingdon resident and nationally renowned plein air artist Kyle Buckland will act as the event judge. Currently a resident artist at The William King Museum of Art in Abingdon, Kyle’s unique painting style has garnered him many awards and acclaim, and in 2021 he was inducted into the prestigious Plein Air Painters of the Southeast. Artist and Virginia native Joli Ayn Wood will return as Chairperson for the 2022 event.

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