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Prize Winners Announced!

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

2021 National Juried Exhibition with Juror, Z.L. Feng

And the winners are.... Honorable Mentions: Lantern Festival Hunan China, by Robert Gilbert of Edinburg, Texas Burning, by John 'Wiley' Johnson, Jr. of Raleigh, North Carolina

In the Woods, by Michael Morris of Roanoke, Virginia Independent, by Jonathan Murrill of Vinton, Virginia

Lacy Weft, by Joanna Sunshine of Blacksburg, Virginia Judge's Choice Awards, $50 each, sponsored by the exhibit's juror, Z.L. Feng: Bright is the Day Star, by David Ferrell of Radford, Virginia Wild Iris in Bloom on the Palmetto Trail, by Rina Lucas of Riner, Virginia Meadow Dance, by Debra Raines of Clinton, North Carolina And, our three main cash awards, sponsored by Clark Gas and Oil Company, went to:

3rd Place, $100 Award: Obstruction, by Shaun Whiteside of Radford, Virginia

2nd Place, $300 Award: Open in the Heart, by Yingde Wu of Missouri, Texas

1st Place, $500 Award: Into the Line, by Pippi Miller of Pearisburg, Virginia

Thank you to all of the artists for their participation, and to all who attended the opening reception in support of the arts, we are honored to share your work and so very grateful your support. Also, we offer an extra special thank you to our juror, Z.L. Feng, for his hard work in jurying this exhibition and also for funding the 3 'Judge's Choice' Awards.

One last extra special 'Thank You!' goes out to Clark Gas and Oil Company for their generous sponsorship of the Floyd Center for the Arts 2021 National Juried Exhibiton 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards, as well as the $50 post-exhibit 'People's Choice' Award, for a total donation of $950 in prize money! We are so grateful that this locally owned company shares our belief in the importance of providing access to the arts for all in our community, as shown through their continued support.

Virtual tour of the entire show coming soon! The juried exhibition will remain on display through Saturday, October 2, 2021.

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