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Looking Back, Looking Forward, and Passing the Baton...


The Board of the Floyd Center for the Arts Announces the Retirement of Jeff Liverman as Executive Director and the promotion of Becky Lattuca to fill his position.

Mr. Liverman was recruited from the Danville Science Center in 2013 where he had served as Executive Director since 2003. During Mr. Liverman’s leadership the Art Center grew and improved in a number of significant ways. The Center’s attendance doubled in the time between 2014 and 2018. Jeff led the construction projects that brought new parking lots, a new entry way and gallery space. And, at the beginning of 2020 he led the development and installation of hard wood floors throughout the Hayloft Gallery and Community Room.

Mr. Liverman expected this new floor project to be his last at the Center. He had discussed with Board President Linda Fallon that he expected to retire at the beginning of 2020, after the floor installation was complete. But then the COVID crisis hit and the entire staff and board dedicated themselves to the survival of the Center through the crisis. “I have to hand it to Jeff, he agreed to stay on through the crisis, working on grants and forgivable loans to keep the Center operational”, said Mrs. Fallon.

Indeed, Mr. Liverman will stay on as parttime Development Director at the Art Center in the interim. “Even though I’m stepping down as Executive Director I expect to continue working with the Board and the new Director to bring the Art Center out of this crisis on even firmer footing.”

“The year 2020 marked the Floyd Center for the Arts’ 25th year of serving our community. I’m proud to be a part of a long line of volunteers, staff and art enthusiasts who created and grew the Center. I know the next 25 years are poised to take the Art Center into even greater success”, said Mr. Liverman.


Becky was originally hired in 2017 as Director of Programming and was promoted to the position of Associate Director in early 2020. In her three years at the Art Center Becky has elevated the Gallery and Workshop programs to new levels, welcoming more artists than ever into the Center. In her new position Becky takes on the additional leadership of fundraising and marketing and awareness efforts.

Becky has worked with and in support of artists for nearly 30 years. She has a collaborative mind-set and has worked in a variety of non profit and private sector roles. She served on the board of Mountain Trotter Arts in Radford, VA and regularly volunteers with other area organizations in support of their cultural initiatives and events. She is dedicated to providing access to the arts for all and to ensuring that artists have the tools they need to succeed, sharing their stories and connecting them with their audiences.

When asked what this promotion means to her, Becky quickly replied, “For the past 25 years this organization has served as a true beacon for the arts in our region because of the hard work, creativity and leadership of a long line of arts enthusiasts and forward-thinking individuals. Now, today, I find myself honored, humbled and so very grateful to take my place in that line by being entrusted to lead the Center into its next 25 years. I am so thankful to be able to do this work under the dedicated leadership and guidance of Linda Fallon and the entire Board of Directors and alongside the devoted staff and volunteers who all do so much to continuously improve access to the arts for all. I find inspiration every single day in the work we do together.” She went on to say, ” I would be remiss if while expressing my gratitude, I didn’t also tip my hat to my predecessor, Jeff Liverman, who retired from serving as Executive Director last month, paving the way for me to move into this role. Jeff’s leadership over the past eight years has led the Center to where it is today – poised to move forward with confidence and strength to further elevate the arts in our region. I am thrilled to now do exactly that, to move forward with confidence and strength to further elevate the arts in our region!”

So, please join us in wishing Jeff a happy, healthy and never boring retirement and in wishing Becky much success and a long, illustrious career with the Center. Cheers!

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