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Floyd Center for the Arts Staff

Call to Artists: the 3rd Floyd Plein Air Biennial

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Travel Floyd alongside artists from all over the East Coast while painting our counties stunning views. Our Official Call to Artists for the 3rd Plein Air Biennial is open now until February 14 on Cafe! What is Plein Air you may ask? Plein Air is the act of painting outdoors. This method contrasts with studio painting or academic rules that might create a predetermined look. Don't miss this opportunity to participate in this popular, juried process which will take place August 15 - 22, 2022!

Artists juried into this event will enjoy painting plein air the Blue Ridge Parkway, the famed Buffalo Mountain, unique sites along the beautiful Little River, local farms and vistas, as well as the Town of Floyd. Events include artist demonstrations, collector educational talks, Juried Artist Collector Preview Exhibition, Artist/Patron Welcome Reception including Wet Paint Sale, Artist/Patron Cocktail Party, Quick Draw Contest at the Historic Floyd Country Store & Friday Night Jamboree, Gala Reception and Art Sale. The top cash prize for this exhibition is $1000, as well as other cash prizes for “Best of” themes and manufacturer awards and gifts. Approximate juried artist field is 30. Quick Draw will allow for non-juried artist participation competing for a separate award, and this call to artist announcement will occur closer to the event. Nationally renowned plein air artist Kyle Buckland will act as the festival judge.

2022 Floyd Plein Air Festival Juror, Kyle Buckland

Plein air painter and Virginia native Joli Ayn Wood will return as Chairperson for the 2022 event. Artists may apply to be juried into the event beginning January 3, 2022, with a deadline to apply February 14, 2022.

For this year's Plein Air event, we will be requiring that all participating artists have been vaccinated against Covid-19.

Read More About this Call to Artists and Submit Your Entry:

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