Tool Forging
with Jay Hatfield
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October 5, 2024
9:00AM - 5:00PM
(Select One)
Materials Fee (Paid at the Beginning of Class)
$25 payable to FCA
12 Seat(s) Still Available
(Please Choose 'Member' or 'Non-Member' First)
Class Description
Blacksmith tool making is a specialized skill within the broader field of blacksmithing craft that focuses on the creation of tools used by blacksmiths themselves or other craftsmen. This intricate process involves the forging, shaping, and refining of various metal tools essential for blacksmithing tasks, such as tongs, chisels, and punches. Skilled blacksmith tool makers employ traditional blacksmithing techniques, including heating metal to a malleable state in a forge and skillfully manipulating it to achieve the desired form. The resulting tools are not only functional but often reflect the artisan's craftsmanship, with attention to detail in design and practicality in function. Blacksmith tool making is both an art and a practical necessity, contributing to the rich tradition of metalworking craftsmanship.
Materials List
materials list
Minimum Age
16 and older
About the Instructor
Jay Hatfield started his blacksmithing journey at the age of 14 in Boy Scouts. The Boy Scout camp brought in a blacksmith to show troops how to make a tomahawk. Jay made one and was very interested in blacksmithing from then on. Once out of the military and college, 20 years later, Jay immersed himself in the training and technique of blacksmithing. He was self-taught for the first five years until he was able to go take a day class from Master Smith Jerry Darnell. Jay joined the Old Dominion Blacksmith Association (ODBSA) in 2012 and attended monthly meetings for the next 7 years. He was elected the president of the ODBSA in January 2020.
Class Registration and Cancellation Policy
Advance Registration Required.
Registration: Class registrations are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Cancellation/Refund: The Floyd Center for the Arts will conduct classes for which an adequate number of students are registered. Class status is determined 1 week before the first date of the class, unless otherwise noted. Acceptance of payment does not guarantee that a class will run. If the Center must cancel a scheduled class, students who registered for such classes will be given the opportunity to transfer their payments to another course or receive a full refund of their tuition payment.
Student Withdrawals: Students withdrawing from a class before the cancellation period has ended, (one week prior to the start of class, unless otherwise noted) can receive a full refund or may transfer their payments to another class of their choice. Students who withdraw after the cancellation period has closed or after class has started, will not receive a refund.