Working with Wool (FIB-091424-3)
The "Working with Wool" class series will give participants the knowledge and resources to start with wool fresh from the sheep and end with yarn that is naturally dyed : 1) "Sheep to Wool" on Saturday, September 14, 10:00AM - 1:00PM is a hands on wool workshop that will take participants from freshly shorn fleece to wool that is ready to spin. We will learn to skirt the fleece (the process of removing wool with stains, second cuts and vegetable matter from the fleece before processing it). Next we will learn how to correctly wash a fleece. Finally we will learn two different ways to prepare wool for spinning using cards and combs. Participants will leave the class with wool that is ready to spin. 2) "Learning to Spin: The Drop Spindle" on Saturday, October 12, 10:00AM - 1:00PM is the next step of the process that takes us from wool to yarn. Using techniques and tools that were used by our ancestors, we will learn the slow, intentional craft of turning wool into yarn with a bit of wood and our own two hands. Participants will take home a drop spindle and yarn that they spun, with extra wool for continued spinning. 3) Natural Dyeing on Saturday, November 9, 1:00 - 4:00PM uses materials that are all around us to turn yarn into something truly spectacular with colors from the backyard. Participants will learn the alchemy of natural dyeing by turning their off-white skeins of yarn into Nature's Palette of gold, pink, orange, green and brown. By signing up for this collection of courses, you receive a discount for each class.